Nairy Baghramian: Boats Magazine
2012, Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg Berlin
![Book cover for Nairy Baghramian: Boats Magazine featuring an image of a sailboat taking up the cover and text that mimics the layout of a magazine cover.](/sites/default/files/media/images/publications/2012_nairy_baghrarmian_boats_magazine_cover.jpg)
In her investigation of sculptural form, Nairy Baghramian uses disparate tropes and motifs drawn from a variety of sources—from interior design to physiology—in her investigation of sculptural form. For her commissioned installation at the List, Baghramian abstracts materials and forms derived from utilitarian and maritime objects, drawing out the formal and creative processes that define notions of the ‘sculptural.’ This limited edition catalog, disguised as an upscale boating magazine was produced on the occasion of Baghramian receiving the 2012 Hector Art Prize. Edited by Thomas Köllhofer, Ulrike Lorenz with text by André Rottmann.