Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme, May amnesia never kiss us on the mouth: Only sounds that tremble through us, 2020–22 (detail). Multi-channel video installation and two-channel sound with subwoofer, steel and concrete panels, custom seating, colored lights, 34:40 min. Installation view: Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, Norway. Photo: Christian Øen. Courtesy the artists
Graduate Student Talk: Ghida Anouti
Join Ghida Anouti, a Master of Science candidate in the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at MIT for a conversation around Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou Rahme: Only sounds that tremble through us.
Ghida Anouti will discuss her own work in context of Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme’s practice. Her research exploring sonic urbanism, archiving, para-fictions, and dialectical image-making speaks to Abbas and Abou-Rahme’s invocation of the archival multitude and their employment of audiovisual archives. Examining the generative potential of fragmentation, the artists use performance as a form of resistance to power structures with an acute sensitivity to the matrix of images and sounds disseminated online.
This will be a hybrid event with a live video that can be streamed here at 5:30 PM.
About the Speaker
Ghida Anouti is a second-year graduate student in the SMArchS Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at MIT. She is interested in narrative-building, visual culture, and acoustemology in relation to the production, reception, and consumption of multisensorial media. Her research at MIT focuses on acoustic violence, films as archives of war, and the influence of Islamic philosophy on experimental videomaking during and post-Civil War Lebanon. Through close readings of audiovisual material, she unravels latent philosophies and distills provocations that have percolated in the Arab world for so long. Prior to her candidature at MIT, Ghida obtained a Bachelor of Architecture from the American University of Beirut.
Graduate Student Talks
MIT graduate students explore current exhibitions at the List Center through the lens of their own research, background, and interests. Join us for this interdisciplinary lecture series where we dive into how art and research are overlapping on MIT’s campus.