Installation view, Gwenneth Boelens: At Odds, MIT List Visual Arts Center, 2017. Photo: Peter Harris Studio
Opening Reception: Gwenneth Boelens & Charlotte Moth
Join us for the opening reception celebrating two new exhibitions, Charlotte Moth and Gwenneth Boelens. The artists will be at the opening and refreshments will be provided. Come help us welcome and celebrate this new exhibition in Cambridge. The reception is free and open to the public although registration is required.
About the Artists
Gwenneth Boelens is concerned with processes of perception, memory, and time; throughout her work she aims to fix the traces of physical movement in space. Originally trained in photography, in her earlier work she used the antiquated wet plate collodion process, during which chemicals are distributed onto large glass plates and exposed to light. The resulting glass pieces capture the traces of her handling the plates during the process, and are displayed as sculptural installations in the space. More recently, Boelens has made a series of large-scale photograms, using various objects or textiles that are folded repeatedly over the duration of the exposure and create radiant fields of color. The show at the List, Boelens’s first solo museum exhibition, will present a group of new photographic works and woven, sculptural pieces.
In her first US solo exhibition, Paris-based artist Charlotte Moth presents a group of recent works in sculpture, photography, and film. Throughout her work, she trains her gaze on the architectural spaces in which we live and the objects that surround us. Since 1999, Moth has taken analogue photographs of buildings and interiors encountered while traveling, a collection of images she calls theTravelogue. These photographs serve as source of many of her installations, variously grouped into slide projections, sculptural wall works, or table assemblages. Paying close attention to overlooked details like corners and crevices, or the play of shadows, Moth renders mundane objects and spaces as magical and strange.